Hey guys so I was given the opportunity to work along with the rue21 team on a back-to-school promotion giveaway !! Wear it loud means expressing your individuality, and embracing your true self. Whether it’s a new bag, a d.i.y t-shirt, or a pair of vintage boots it’s all about showing your confidence and just having fun !! Now it’s your chance to show rue21 how you would “Wear it loud” Leave a comment on the “Wear It Loud” blog post describing how YOU “Wear It Loud” in no less than 100 words. THAT’S IT
GRAND PRIZE WINNER will receive a $250 giftcard and a chance to go on a shopping spree with me !! See the official rules HERE
Comment below describing how you “WEAR IT LOUD”
(Please remember to include your email address !! =)
Good luck my Fashionistas!! <3
I “WEAR IT LOUD” by wearing tons of cute rompers, along with making my makeup pop (bright colors from time to time), and all my clothes are from Rue to help that!
I wear it out loud by wearing bright pretty colors with nice patterns and gorgeous shoes ! The best accessories will always tie an outfit together & I always tie mine together with accessories.
My email is devonziegelmeier@gmail.com
My wife wears it louder then me. She is always tying in accerories with her wild colors. She loves bright colors like yellow and Blue and she adds in some dark to make that color really pop. As For me i stick with more prints and flannels and I think the hats and shoes makes my outfit loud!!!
To wear it loud this year at school, I’ll be reppin’ bright colors (my favorite being coral and mint), and my most recent fave, army gear! I have uniform, so I’m always trying to find a way to spice things up. I don’t care what people have to say about my outfit choices, so I may look bold sometimes, but when I wear it loud, I wear it proud! However it isn’t just about wearing bright bold things, simplicity is always nice too. As long as I am comfortable in what I’m wearing, I’ll feel confident. And Hey, confidence is key in wearing it loud! You can’t rock an awesome outfit without an awesome attitude.
My dad used to be in the military and when he was we moved around a lot. Sometimes it started to feel like the only thing that I could claim to be mine was my style. Showing who I am through what I wear has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. Even though I didn’t live in the same house or get to stay around the friends I’d made I’ve always been able to wear what makes me feel like me whether its cute jeans and a hoodie, a bold dress, flats, or sneakers I wear it with confidence and know that I’m being me.
Email: ashley.ewing@rocketmail.com
I wear it loud cause even in Paris, one of the city where fashion is the most important thing, people aren’t dress like me. I’m wearing designer pieces but in my own way, I’m not only copying KanYe West or A$AP Rocky (my idols), I’m doing it in my own way. They’re my inspiration. I love to mix luxury brand like Givenchy with little skateboarding brands like DGK or Gold. And I’m a streetgoth.
Email : kev.lalune@gmail.com
I wear it loud by staying true to myself and not being afraid to be a zebra in a red room. My style isn’t defined by one specific look but I do like to be androgynous and fashion has no gender in my opinion. Personal style cannot be defined by a specific trend or look but it’s your personality and how you put things together that does. Wearing it out loud is being true to who you are and that’s what life is all about. Email: omarihasani@gmail.com
I think I wear it loud by taking trends into consideration
when I pick out clothes, but I don’t ever feel tied down by them or restricted
to what the trends say you should wear. This fall, I’m going to college-a great
time to really come into my own style. Plus, I’m coming from a school where we
wore uniforms. That means I really am starting from the ground up in terms of my
style, and after uniforms, I definitely won’t take the freedom of expression in
clothes for granted. I’m really excited to get the chance this fall to wear it
loud, and not worry what people think about my style. To me, “wear it loud”
doesn’t just mean wearing something really bright or daring, but just to wear
something that’s really you.
catbusky @ gmail dot com
My favorite way to “Wear it Loud” is to wear colored skinny jeans. All of the jeans I buy from Rue 21 are brightly colored jeans. I love using them to add a pop of color to my outfit! Bright colors add a confidence to what I’m wearing! When I’m wearing Rue 21 colored jeans, I’m more confident in myself and I’m not worried about what I look like! I am confident in myself when I’m wearing what I like to wear. I’m not afraid of what I look like because of my size, my style, or who I am. I am confident in my style and it has been and always will be a part of who I am.
The best accessory that I wear loud is self confidence. There’s nothing more noticeable than a person who just exudes confidence. I wear it loud on a regular basis! No matter what I’m wearing, whether I’m dressed for a business meeting or I’m running out to grab lunch with some friends, I always carry myself with a little bit of edge. Trends, clothes, shoes, and accessories don’t mean anything if I don’t have self confidence. No article of clothing or jewelry will ever define me because how I carry myself will always be the highlight of my personal style. My self confidence is something no one can ever replicate and that’s why I WEAR IT LOUD!
-Shawn C.
Recently I have been discovering what it really means to wear it loud. I used to be a wallflower and never wanted to stand out, in fact I was putting a lot of effort to blend in and not be noticed. I am finally starting to find myself and my personal style, I no longer care what people think about me. I like to buy a lot of stand out pieces that can be mixed and matched. I like to scour thrift shops and affordable stores such as Rue21 to find pieces that will make me unique and stylish. I no longer identify with the wallflower that blends into the background, I stand out and I am who I am and I walk with confidence in that.
Literally if you look through my closet, all you will see is clothes from Rue21. Rue21 has been my savior ever since I was 15 and began to develop into a woman. Im naturally big breasted and so its really hard to find clothes that will fit right and look great on me. This upcoming fall will be my sophomore year in college (Eat Em’ Up Cats!) which is also the time that I would like to branch out and become more comfortable, stylish and less shy. I have lost a lot of weight and am finally starting to love my body. I want to show the world my new self and what better way to do that than getting brand new clothes from my all-time-favorite clothing store and rocking them like I own the runway (also known as my universities school steps). My new found confidence is what will help me not only Wear It Loud, but also Wear It Proud!
DesiRae Smith
How I “WEAR IT LOUD” is, at school, I try to stand out of the crowd and look different but beautiful in my own way. I have such a great level of confidence that makes people want to get to know me and I just tell that being you makes you beautiful and do not be shy trying to express that. I look for inspiration from music, stars , blogs and fashion designer . Why I truly want to win this giveaway because I feel in love with rue21 clothes and the first time I walked in there I felt like I was meant to shop here and never shop another place again but always bought from the clearance racks. This $250 would mean so much to me if I had it and would help me Wear It Loud even Louder. Thank You for reading.
-Gloria Favard
TO WEAR IT OUT LOUD you MUST BE BOLD, BE COURAGEOUS, HAVE PRIDE, BE UNIQUE, BE PASSIONATE, BE CONFIDENT, MOST important BE YOURSELF. Everyone has their own sense of style whether it’s sweatpants to skinny jeans, or sneakers to heels. Dress the way that expresses your personality, not that popular girl in your 5th period class. Style tells a lot about who you are, but how you wear your style tells more. If I purchased a new top from rue 21 that was bold and made a statement, but i walked around the hallways in school slouching, no one would notice me. But, If you stand up tall, chest up, head held high, and keep a positive attitude, you will definitely be recognized. The key to looking nice is TO WEAR YOUR CLOTHES OUT LOUD. Even if you can’t afford flashy vibrant pieces, The way you strut your stuff can tell a lot about your personality. REMEMBER BE BOLD, BE YOURSELF, AND WEAR IT OUT LOUD WITH A PASSION! thank you for taking time to read my entry i hope you take it in consideration. sherif1927@msn.com Thank you again!
“Wear it Loud” by I would say being creative and I’m not going to say being myself because sometimes am not myself haha :p, like i would like to look very elegant and sometimes i would like to be in a very rock & roll look so it just depends on the mood and I think adding your touches in every cloth you wear is going to make every piece unique in your own way, & have fun with it forget all the judgment, be brave & sassy, always put a smile cause it will make your outfit better ;)!!
and good look Fashionistas <3
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