Leather jacket, Lousy Right shirt, American Apparel sweat shorts, Yesstyle sweats, Dr. Marten shoes, Zara bag
Another great gift from the amazing Eric from Lousy Right!
This is a great simple shirt that will work perfectly with any outfit.
This is a great simple shirt that will work perfectly with any outfit.
Based on the shirt I was contemplating on what to wear. To make heads turn
and give the look more of a street style, I threw on some black sweat shorts I Diy
with light grey sweats. I also combined some layering by tying a flanel and a
leather jacket with a studded portfollio wallet.
Click here to purchase a Lousy Right “MADE IN CA” shirt
and give the look more of a street style, I threw on some black sweat shorts I Diy
with light grey sweats. I also combined some layering by tying a flanel and a
leather jacket with a studded portfollio wallet.
Click here to purchase a Lousy Right “MADE IN CA” shirt
Photographer: Fabio Prieto